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Privacy Policy

Midtby-Bolig ApS processing of personal data

In the following you can read how Midtby-Bolig ApS processes your personal data.

We use the information that you give us in order to fulfill the service and the rental agreement with you.

Data controller

Midtby-Bolig ApS is the data controller and ensures that the processing of your personal data takes place in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

   Contact Information:

      Midtby-Bolig ApS CVR: 54939817

      Fjordagervej 20U, 6100 Haderslev



What information is collected and what is it used for?

We generally collect, process and store only the personal data that is necessary to service the rental agreement with you. In addition, it may be determined by legislation what type of personal data we must collect, or it may be to comply with or ensure legal status.

The personal data is processed pursuant to Article 6 of the Personal Data Regulation (Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016).

Information in connection with entering into an agreement

In connection with entering into a rental agreement, we register the information that you yourself provide to us in the rental agreement, etc. We process this information in order to manage and serve you as a tenant.

Social security number

In connection with registration for research companies, we need to receive and pass on your social security number to the utility companies (water, heat and electricity). The social security number is used by the utility company to uniquely identify you.

Information about visits to the website

Information about which parts of the website are visited is collected in log files together with IP addresses. The information is used to optimize the visitors' use of the website.

The website uses cookies, which are small text files that are saved through your browser. The cookies we use do not contain any personal data.

Who has access to the personal data

Our employees has access to use the personal data. However, only to the extent that this is necessary to be able to serve you as a tenant or to comply with applicable legislation.

The personal information is passed on only to business partners who work for us and are tasked with carrying out necessary functions for the rental relationship.

We generally pass on information to the following categories of business partners: supplier (including hosting), bank connections (for the purpose of handling payments), and craft companies, etc. who are engaged by us to maintain the leases, utilities (water, heat and electricity), external accountants and public authorities (if this is a legal requirement).

The personal data will not be passed on to business partners outside the EU.

How long is the information kept?

The personal information is stored as long as you rent from us.

After the rental relationship has ended, the personal data is stored if necessary for applicable legislation, including the Money Laundering Act, the Bookkeeping Act and applicable data protection legislation. This means that the personal data is normally stored for up to 5 years after the tenancy has ended.

Your rights

You have the right to gain insight into and correct the personal data that we process about you.

You have the right to have the personal data that we have registered about you deleted. If you wish to have your personal data deleted, we will delete all information that we have on file about you, which we are not required by law to store, or which are necessary for us to serve you as a tenant.

Right to data portability (provision of data in a commonly used format).

If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw the consent, which means that the processing of your data, if you for example dispute the accuracy of the data, or object to the processing.

You can send your request to the provided email address. Your request will be answered as soon as possible, and no later than one month after we receive your request. For complicated requests, the deadline can be extended by 2 months. If the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, the request may be denied or a fee may be charged.


You have the opportunity to complain about our processing of personal data about you to Datasynet via the e-mail address See further contact information and more about the complaint here

Modification of the privacy policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy from time to time. The latest version can be found on the website​

Additional questions?​​

Mette Harboesgaard


Tel: +45 24 88 99 41

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